Cheat Sheets 📚

A collection of practical cheat sheets on various web development technologies and tools, designed to help learners and professionals alike.

Cheat Sheets Screenshot

Included Cheat Sheets

  • Go: Key language concepts, syntax, and standard library functions.
  • Git & GitHub: Essential commands for version control and collaboration.
  • Webserver: Basic setup and configuration for popular web servers like Apache and Nginx.

How to Use

  1. Navigate to the "Content" section within this page.
  2. Open the relevant cheat sheet file.
  3. Print it out or keep it handy digitally for quick reference.

Contributions Welcome! 🙌 The files will be uploaded soon!

If you find an error, want to suggest an improvement, or add a cheat sheet for a new technology, feel free to create a pull request on GitHub!


📁 Go
📄 go.pdf
📁 Git & GitHub
📁 Webserver
📁 Images
🖼️ cheatsheet-preview.jpg

Date: Ongoing

Format: PDF, Markdown

License: MIT

View on GitHub